If you are concern about some issues your car might be presenting from time to time. Of you think your car is about to broke down. You should try and use this fantastic auto scan tool! This scan is what most mechanics and professionals use when trying to figure out what is odd with a car! And know you can save so much money on mechanics and motor shops just by getting this auto scan tool yourself!
Make the best professional maintenance of your vehicle from home with this auto scan tool
This scan is so easy to use, you just have to connect it to the right plugs, usually located under the steering wheel and it will automatically found errors and malfunctions on your car engine and electric system.
This scan is the perfect tool for reading and erasing codes, eliminating engine checks on the main board of the car, and checking with great details what is exactly the problem with our car!
Improve the lifetime of your vehicle with this auto scan tool. A car is the 2nd most expensive goods us human buy, and nevertheless is the most common place for accidents that might cause serious wounds and even death! protect yourself and your family just by using the proper tools and maintaining your vehicle in optimal conditions
MT100 Support car models:
American (USA) car: Compatible with Standard OBD2 Cars from 1996 to Now: for Chrysler, for Ford, for GM, for Jeep
European car: Compatible with Standard OBD2 Cars from 2003 to Now: for Alfa Romeo, for SAAB, for Acura, for Opel, for Audi, for Seat, for Bentley, for Skoda, for Daewoo, for Benz, for Daihatsu, for Land Rover, for BMW, for Vauxhall, for Volvo, for VW, for Ford, for Jaguar
France Car after 2006: for Citroen, for Fiat, for Renault, for Peugeot Not Support for Renault Clio/Megane/Dacia Logan.
Asian car Compatible with Standard OBD2 Cars from 2007 to Now: for KIA, for Isuzu, for Honda, for Mitsubishi, for Hyundai, for Dacia, for Lexus, for Mazda, for Nissan, for Subaru, for Suzuki, for Toyota
Chinese car: Compatible with Standard OBD2 Cars from 2009 to Now: for BYD, for Chery, for Geely, for Great Wall, for Karry
Product Specifications
1.Reading Codes Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs)
2.Erasing Codes & Reset Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes, and resets monitors.
3.Data Stream Reads and displays live ECU/PCM data stream, plotting functions graphically and stores freeze frame data.
4.I/M Readiness Status Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle are operating properly and are ready for inspection and maintenance testing.
5.View Freeze Frame Data Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.
6.Read Vehicle Information Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc.